Legal notices and personal data

Understand who is behind the SpongeScapes website and how data is used to operate the website.

Last updated: May 2024


SpongeScapes has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement n°101112738 and from the UK Research and Innovation/HM Government. Views and opinions expressed in this website are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the UK Research and Innovation / HM Government.

Legal Notices

This website has been developed in the framework of the SpongeScapes project. 

SpongeScapes is a project led by Deltares and is implemented by 10 European organisations. .

Creation, development, hosting and management of the website: International Office for Water (OiEau).

All data on this website are processed based on the current EU laws and regulations (General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) Below we explain how we use the data that you make accessible to us when using this website. You can use our website without leaving or storing any personal data. 

Use of Essential Cookies for Statistical Purposes

Cookies are small data files that are stored on your device to make it easier to navigate between pages and provide faster access to the information you are looking for when you visit our website regularly. Most web browsers accept cookies, but you can prevent cookies from being stored by changing your browser settings. However, if you choose to disable cookies on our website, certain features may not be available or may be limited (e.g. access to YouTube videos, access to certain external links).

Why Do We Use Essential Cookies?

  • Site Functionality
      - Essential cookies enable the website to function correctly. They manage elements such as navigation, login, and security.
      - For example, an essential cookie may store your login session to keep you connected while browsing the site. For Partners use only.
  • Statistics and Analysis
      - Some essential cookies are used for statistical purposes. They collect anonymous information about how visitors interact with the site.
      - This data helps us understand how to improve our site, identify the most popular pages, and detect potential technical issues.


Personal data

You may be asked to give your personal data (contact form). Collected personal data is limited to name, affiliation (organisation) and email address. We just use this personal data for the case we asked for and for which you are granting permission to us. Your personal data is securely stored on trusted platforms that adhere to EU regulations on data storage, ensuring compliance with stringent data protection and privacy standards. We store your personal data only for the duration of the project (5 years). We do care for your data, we will never hand over your data to a third party in any case. 

You have the right to get information, ask for correction or request deletion of your personal data which we might have stored any time. You can contact us if you have questions concerning your personal data and our data privacy policy via the persons and contact details named below: 

International Office for Water (OiEau), manager of this website.

Office international de l’Eau - 15 rue E. Chamberland - 87065 Limoges Cedex – France 

Contact email:

Web analytics Matomo

We use Matomo web analytics system to measure the number of page views, the number of visits, in addition to the activity of visitors on our website and their return frequency. You can choose not to have your browsing on this site tracked. This will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning about your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.


This website contains material protected by copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights and laws. Material and/or links on this website do not constitute legal advice, political advice, and/or other advice. Permission is granted to use materials contained on this website, in part or in full, for personal and educational purposes, but not commercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to our website and the respective copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights holder.


While we strive for accuracy, we make no guarantees about the suitability, reliability, availability or accuracy of this website for any purpose. We do not represent or warrant that this website will be uninterrupted or error-free. Changes and/or improvements may be made to this website at any time.


We also make no guarantees concerning any sites "linked" to and from our website or concerning the content or quality of information on other sites. Sites linked to and from to our website are not under our control and we are not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites.

© SpongeScapes 2023-2027