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06 New Forest and Cole catchments UK

Blackwater and Highland Water are sub-catchments of the Lymington river in the New Forest National Park (in the UK South-East River Basin District) The River Cole is located in the Thames River Basin District, west of Oxford. Lymington River and Cole River catchments benefited from floodplain restoration (river remeandering, logjams, etc) in the early 2000’s. For this case study the core objective is to understand better the impact of floodplain restoration activities in the long term (over almost three decades).

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07 Upper Thames agricultural site UK

The Thames regenerative agriculture sites which we are studying are predominantly located on farms in Oxfordshire and Berkshire, in the Thames catchment. Both of these sites are on slowly permeable loamy/clayey soils over a mudstone geology. Regenerative agriculture aims to improve the sponge function of the soil..

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08 Gradaščica catchment SI

The Gradaščica catchment in Ljubljana is located in a hilly pre-alpine region, with elevations ranging from 300 to 1000 meters above sea level. Approximately 70% of this area is forested, mainly with broad-leaved and mixed forests, which play a crucial role in the local ecosystem and water management. Within SpongeScapes, we are investigating how trees reduce rainwater run-off, which is crucial in flood-prone areas. 

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10 Timonchio site IT

The Timonchio site (see case studies 09 and 11) is located near the Venetian Pre-Alps, crossed by the Leogra and the Timonchio rivers and artificial channels crucial for historical manufacturing, irrigation, and runoff control. The case study is located in the Veneto region that signed the Mission Charter of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation.

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09 Municipality of Santorso sites IT

The municipality of Santorso (see also related case studies 10 and 11) is located near the Venetian Pre-Alps, crossed by the Leogra and the Timonchio rivers and artificial channels crucial for historical manufacturing, irrigation, and runoff control. The case study is located in the Veneto region that signed the Mission Charter of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation.