Case Study

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06 New Forest and Cole catchments UK

Blackwater and Highland Water are sub-catchments of the Lymington river in the New Forest National Park (in the UK South-East River Basin District) The River Cole is located in the Thames River Basin District, west of Oxford. Lymington River and Cole River catchments benefited from floodplain restoration (river remeandering, logjams, etc) in the early 2000’s. For this case study the core objective is to understand better the impact of floodplain restoration activities in the long term (over almost three decades).

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11 Agripolis site IT

The Agripolis site (see also related case studies 09 and 10) is located near the Venetian Pre-Alps, crossed by the Leogra and the Timonchio rivers and artificial channels crucial for historical manufacturing, irrigation, and runoff control. The case study is located in the Veneto region that signed the Mission Charter of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation.

Chaamse Beken, Netherlands
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01 Chaamse Beken NL

Extensive artificial drainage of agricultural land has been carried out because excessively wet soils are more difficult for farmers to access and cultivate. Over the years, the river system has been heavily modified to provide an efficient network of drainage and water supply, causing challenges for aquatic and riparian ecosystems, but also combatting drought events in the region.
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10 Timonchio site IT

The Timonchio site (see case studies 09 and 11) is located near the Venetian Pre-Alps, crossed by the Leogra and the Timonchio rivers and artificial channels crucial for historical manufacturing, irrigation, and runoff control. The case study is located in the Veneto region that signed the Mission Charter of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation.